Werken met leer met kinderen. Workshops op de basisschool en een #PersonalChallenge.
Nee, het is dus geen nieuwe collectie maar wel een erg leuk project. Het heet de Talentencarrousel en moet de talenten van ouders verbinden met kinderen op de basisschool. Zeer intensief en daarnaast ook heerlijk om weer eens anders te kunnen denken en creรซren, om buiten het kader van de strakke lijnen van mijn collectie te kunnen stappen en .. om dat het leuk is om met je handen te werken. Sorry Dutchies, De tekst is in het engels, na 10 jaar Etsy teksten in het engels gaat dit me echt beter af in het engels.
WORKSHOP New collection? No?!?! Last week I started an intense period of 6 leatherworking workshops in 3 weeks for 2 primary school groups. I spent a few evenings making examples and Pauline did most of the pre-cutting / pre-knotting / pre-punching ๐ช๐ผ This picture shows the phone case which the oldest kids will be making in the following 2 lessons. It is so inspiring to see how handy they already are, if they take the time.. as most of the boys could concentrate for about 4 minutes ๐ so I will now divide the group into 2. One group will start working on the iPhone case while the others will draw and cut leather feathers for a necklace or keyfob. Now you might wonder -- a phone case? Yes, I asked them (the group of 8-12 years old) what they would like to make after their first leather working trial with a leather bracelet, some carving and handsewing. The main answer was -- phone case. I realized that the kids whithout a phone were quiet, so there will be other projects to make for them.
MODUS OPERANDI // I need to share some words about my experience in that classroom -/ After those 4 minutes the boys became so loud, I could not talk or think anymore. What has happened to habits, to social behaviour? Rules in the classroom? Listen to each other? Boy .... what a job; teacher ๐๐ฝ . It was also a reflection on the way I prefer to work, the atmosphere I create when I need to be productive -- CALM is the magic word. I always try to set up a quiet place to work by myself or even with my kids around we have a Modus Operandi all together. In a classroom with this noise it would be impossible for me to produce anything. I realised I am blessed with my 2 calm kiddo's. Or is that DNA ? Well it' s good to know I have a few #PersonalChallenges ahead, at primary school :) //
DNA And .. back to the leathercraft: Do you recognize our family DNA in these pieces of art? Miss P. made the triangle case in this last picture.
DIY KIT If you are interested in this kind of leather craft or would you like to receive this as a DIY leather craft kit please let me know. I am looking into the possibilities of setting this up as a new product so I'd be happy to hear your thoughts!
- Annemieke
DIY KIT If you are interested in this kind of leather craft or would you like to receive this as a DIY leather craft kit please let me know. I am looking into the possibilities of setting this up as a new product so I'd be happy to hear your thoughts!
- Annemieke